Advocate Janusz Goński
Janusz Goński
phone number: 48 509 771 341
Advocate prof. UŁ dr hab. Bartosz Kucharski
A graduate of The Law and Administration Faculty of The University of Łódź (Master of Law – 1997 r.) and The Faculty of Law of The University of Birmingham (Master of Laws in Commercial Law – LLM).
The bar exam in 2003. From 2004 manages an individual advocate chambers cooperating with the advocate Janusz Goński.
From 2007 employed at the University of Lodz as a lecturer and presently from 2020 as a professor.
The author of two legal monographs:
- "Assignment of the rights under insurance contract"
(which won the contest "Temida" for best doctor thesis at law organized by
the publishing house Wolters Kluwer Polska),
- “Obligation of the insurer in property insurance”
(which hold a distinction from the habilitation commission and was granted
the first prize of the Rector of the University of Lodz for outstanding works)
- student’s book “Polish Commercial Law in a Nutshell”;
as well as several dozens of other publications (articles, glosses and chapters in collective studies).
Well known expert at the field of insurance law. Specializing also in civil, trade
and commercial law in a comprehensive sense. Speaks Polish and English.
Bartosz Kucharski
phone number: 48 502 053 985